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National Secutity workshop and Talk on CPEC.

I am one of the participant of national security work at National Defence University at Islamabad, which ended few months ago. Those who attend the workshop are from all walks of Life. It is very informative workshop. We were told not to share any information which we get inside the university . So I am violating the rule but it is worth for the benefit of all to address misperception. During the course, Chairman CPEC authority Asim Bajwa sb came for talk on CPEC. I had seen his face only on television but have never met him. After listening to him for what he had to say about CPEC, I have all the admiration for the man. At the end of his talk, could not see anybody who was not clapping. It was thunderous applause to the clarity and vision of that man standing on the podium.Lecture was full of information which we have never listened before about CPEC and its progress. I don’t hesitate to say that I was very proud as Pakistani that through this project we will be moving into the group of nations who are economically prosperous. Good thing about lecture was his apolitical approach. He said it is project of all Pakistanis. It is above politics . The soft spoken gentleman, Asim Bajwa sb no doubt has great abilities. He was rightly chosen for this job. He looked determined and full of spirit that CPEC will be made. All those sitting in the hall asked many Questions at the end of Lecture and those were very appropriately replied. Whatever I can recall of his talk is that. We are over with early harvest and short term projects of CPEC. Now CPEC has entered into 2nd Phase, which will focus on development of manufacturing industries and significantly improve people’s livelihood. He also explained the long term projects which CPEC aims to achieve in 3rd phase by end of 2030.
Asim Bajwa sb clarified that CPEC is neither a debt trap nor Pakistan is becoming colony of China. He said total Debt of Pakistan is $112 Billion and CPEC related debt is $5.8 , which is 5.2% of the total debt. He said, it is propaganda of west and India . He particularly mentioned a research article by renowned think tank, which clearly unfolds Indian propaganda model in which he himself and CPEC were the prime target of India. CPEC has never slowed down, even during COVID we continued work and everything is on target. Bajwa sb told the audience that 17 CPEC projects worth $13 Billion have been completed, 21 projects $12 Billion are on-going and 26 projects worth $28 Billion are in the pipe-line. Energy projects of CPEC when completed will generate 17045 MW energy. At the moment 9 competed energy projects are producing 5320 MW into main grid. These energy projects only will cater for 14000 job opportunities for locals. CPEC IPPs reduce the overall circular debt around Rs 75.3 Billion.
Chairman sb highlighted through the entire project of infrastructure which include, roads, motorway, mass transit, railway projects in the entire country.
The Big news is Gwadar port has been commercially operationalized. Afghan Transit Trade started on 31 May , 2020. It can accomodate two 50000 Tons vessels simultaneously and can handle bulk- cargo, general cargo, containers and roll on and roll off. Phase 1 of Gwadar free zone has been completed. 46 enterprises have already registered. Gawadar air port, biggest in Asia is 84% complete.
It is absolutely transparent project which work under Joint Coordination Committee headed by Minister planning of Pakistan and vice Chairman of NDRC ( China). It has 10 sectoral working groups and experts panels. Individual ministers are responsible for projects. There are multiple forums for approval and facilitation. CPEC authority works as Secretriate of this entire framework.
It was very comprehensive lecture which clarified many things and introduced host of Information. I only urge government to open up details of CPEC for the information and confidence of common citizens.