AI doesn’t work well enough: Why a human touch is important in UX design

Ahmad Khan Niazi, a product designer at Poster My Wall, told, “I don’t see AI completely replacing UX designers, but I do see AI scraping off the monotonous tasks and hitting the bottom-level talent of any field.”

AI, or “artificial intelligence,” has been a hot topic in the tech world for a while now. Many people think that AI has the power to replace almost anyone or anything because of how far it has come. Even human makers, like UX designers, are scared by this.

Many people think of AI tools as monsters that eat work, but experts in the field of User Experience are sure that they will be safe for years to come.

“If you aim for mediocrity, AI will probably get you,” says Khan, who has also worked as a Venture Initiative Ambassador for the mentoring website ADP List.

The picture shows a hopeful product manager named Ahmad Khan Niazi. He thinks that artificial intelligence can’t replace human creativity.— LinkedIn/Ahmad Khan Niazi
The picture shows a hopeful product manager named Ahmad Khan Niazi. He thinks that artificial intelligence can’t replace human creativity.— LinkedIn/Ahmad Khan Niazi
Ratta Kidakarn, a UX designer at Thoughtworks and an ADP List tutor, explained UX to

“UX design isn’t just about making designs that look good; it’s also about having empathy, understanding how users act, and coming up with solutions that are user-centered.”

Kidakarn’s point shows what kind of UX designer would be scared of AI: one who thinks UX design is just about making apps.

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UX designers do a lot of study to learn how people act, which is something AI can’t do. AI doesn’t have the ability to understand how people feel, which is a key part of UX design. A UX designer can understand what the user is going through and create a product that solves their problems and makes their experience better. On the other hand, AI can only look at data and make predictions based on that data, which is limited and can’t replace human perception.

Second, UX design requires imagination and new ideas, which are things that only people can do. UX designers need to think outside the box and come up with creative ways to solve problems.

They have to be able to imagine the product in different ways and show it off in a way that looks good and is easy to use. AI doesn’t have the creativity and imagination that people do, so it can’t replace UX designers. AI might be able to come up with a few different designs, but it can’t compare to a human designer’s level of creativity and innovation.

Khan also thinks that this is what will make UX designers strong. When asked how new UX designers can make themselves irreplaceable, he said, “Learn to take advantage of the ‘human factor’ or ‘human touch’ you can add to your user research and user interviews, since that’s going to be hard to replace.”

Kidakarn said, “Your ability to understand users and create meaningful experiences will set you apart in the field.”

The picture shows UX designer Ratta Kidakarn, who thinks it’s important to invest in your skills and knowledge to keep up with the changing world.— LinkedIn/Ratta Kidakarn
The picture shows UX designer Ratta Kidakarn, who thinks it’s important to invest in your skills and knowledge to keep up with the changing world.— LinkedIn/Ratta Kidakarn
She also said that AI has already helped UX designers in a lot of ways, such as by automating routine tasks, making things more personal, making prototypes quickly, getting insights from data, and testing with users.

Khan said something similar when he talked about his own life. He said that AI had helped him a lot at work.

“ChatGPT has helped me with several case studies that I had to do. “You have to learn to tell the AI what you want it to make in clear, short language,” he said.

It’s also important to know that UX design is a group effort that includes product managers, developers, and artists, among other people. UX designers work closely with these people to make sure that the product is designed to meet both the wants of the user and the goals of the business.

They need to be able to talk to each other, understand each other’s points of view, and work together to make a good output. AI can’t replace people working together as a team, which is a key part of UX design.

Khan said that in the next five years, AI will make “tedious and repetitive tasks a lot easier, and the only talent left will be mid- to top-level talent.”

Kidakarn told new UX designers, “Invest in your skills and knowledge all the time to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to a changing landscape.”

Now, AI may be able to look at data, but it can’t keep up with how fast technology changes and how people act. It can’t be as flexible and adaptable as human creators can.

“Try to be the best at what you do and really love it, and you won’t be replaced for a long time. “Khan came to the conclusion that if you did that, AI would be just another tool to help you get where you want to go.

ADPartificial intelligenceChatGPTUX designer
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