China and Pakistan celebrate 72 years of diplomatic ties

ISLAMABAD: To celebrate 72 years of official ties between China and Pakistan, the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan held a reception.

Chinese Charge d’Affairs Pang Chunxue, Foreign Secretary of Pakistan Dr. Asad Majeed Khan, and Director General of Foreign Service Academy Mazhar Javed all spoke at the reception, which was also attended by former Pakistani ambassadors to China, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistani young diplomats, and Chinese diplomats.

In her speech at the event, Pang talked about how the connection between China and Pakistan has deep historical roots, strong public support, and strong practical needs.

“China is making steady progress toward modernization under the strong leadership of President Xi Jinping,” she said.

She also said that as China becomes more modern, it will give other countries, such as Pakistan, new chances to grow and progress.

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The foreign secretary of Pakistan praised the work that officials from both countries had done over many years to make China and Pakistan’s friendship and cooperation strong.

“Pakistan’s Chinese friends always help in a big way and strongly back Pakistan’s sovereignty, independence, financial security, and building of infrastructure. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has helped Pakistan’s economy and society grow and get better, which Pakistan is very happy for,” he said.

Mazhar Javed said that both Beijing and Islamabad have been working to improve their relationship for the past 72 years. He also said that full cooperation between the two countries gives young people a chance to learn from each other and share ideas.

At the event, past ambassadors to China talked about their amazing experiences there and said that the two countries need to strengthen their strong friendship and take their broad, practical cooperation to a new level.

Chinadiplomatic relationsDr. Asad Majeed KhanPakistanPang Chunxue
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