Meet the world’s largest family, which includes 600 siblings.

According to Deutsche Welle, Canadian filmmaker Barry Stevens, who has 600 half siblings worldwide, decides to meet his family in his documentary.

Anonymous sperm donors may be looking to make history. More and more children born from donor sperm desire to know who their biological fathers are.

Stevens, who was conceived with sperm from an unidentified donor, is eager to find his family members.

However, the concept is not novel. People conceived from anonymous sperm can now communicate with their extended family because to advances in DNA technology. People are wanting to meet their biological fathers now that data banks are more accessible.

While some people are curious, others are concerned about genetic diseases. Some are also concerned that they will fall in love with their half-siblings without realising they are connected.

While anonymity for donors was formerly a primary objective, legal proceedings in the case are now altering to reflect people’s right to know their biological father.

Meet the world's largest family
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