Pakistani Youth Has Immense Potential; NUST Students Make Formula 1 Student Version

Islamabad July 2; Unveiling of “Auj”Formula 1 student version was done at School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering . The team would be participating in FSUk 2022 to be held at Silverstone circuit at UK from 6 July to 11 July 2022 . Twelve member team comprises students from three engineering schools of NUST, smme,Sada and Seecs, two external student advisers who r alumni of NUST and faculty members.

Students from all over the world will participate in the elite event and compete for design, engineering skills, innovation and employ all their subjects learned in engineering fields. This project is a perfect example of promotion of synergy within NUST schools as it involves students from smme, Sada and Seecs which it self might be a first step ever taken in SMME. The skills attains would give students an uperhand in joining automotive industry at large besides providing a special platform for those interested in joining motor racing as professional. The vehicle has been evaluated at every step by international organizers of the event for design perfection before invitation to the elite competition. But it would again undergo field inspections first for design limitations before the competition

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