Political Divide

Political Affiliation is becoming as strong as Family bond.
As Social identity theory holds that a person’s self-concept is based on their membership within a group, whether one’s group is defined by a religious affiliation, political party, gender, propensity to support a particular sports team—or, sometimes, all of the above. As soon as you identify as a member of one group or another, it influences how you think about the world. You like members of that group more than others. You want things to reflect favorably upon your group. You’re biased toward believing things that reflect positively on your group. Once you’re a member of a group, all kinds of group processes related to social identity kick in. One feature of group identity is that people want to protect and promote their own groups. As a result, partisan identity makes us more accepting of information that supports our beliefs and more critical of information that contradicts them. Most psychologists agree that people engage in this tendency, known as motivated reasoning or motivated cognition.
political affiliation is a strong driver of political behavior. When partisan citizens become angry about politics, they are less influenced by information and less likely to support bipartisan politicians who reach across the aisle to find compromise—a stance that can drive politics in a more extreme direction.
Time is almost there when people will not marry their children with affiliates of other political party. Political affiliations will be as strong as sectarianism. Most political researchers agree that the modern media environment has a lot to do with that hostility. No individual voter has his personal opinion because, all information reach to him/ her through social media. The supporter of a political party will be more influenced if their leaders are more active in media. Political Parties with passive and reactive media routines don’t sustain popularity for a longer time. Politics is game of perception.

Political AffiliationPolitical Divide
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