Story of #Twitter

Twitter is the quickest and most proliferating medium, humanity has ever seen. It is not a persuasive medium rather more of a reactive in approach. Usually a bandwagon approach works on this platform. Political elite considers it the quickest way to to reach to their supporters through politically motivated content. This is not a medium for commercial content or education. A study carried out by Pew research center concluded that 25% Americans use twitter and 33% of their content is totally political. Tweets  mostly produced by a minority group, people above the age of 50, occupies the 80% political content. Democrats were seen most users of twitter compared with Republican. Probably, it was a reaction to Donald Trump’s extensive use of twitter.A study carried out in Pakistan concluded that very few internet users communicate through twitter. A careful estimate is 3.1 million active users of twitter. #Youtube is popular digital medium in Pakistan. Political  hashtags dominate the trending panel with 32-42% . Only 1-14% hashtags are on sports, entertainment. Social issues, morality, education are totally missing in hashtag category on twitter. Urdu is the frequently used language in political hashtags.A #dawn newspaper investigation report published on 14 Jan, 2020 stated that Almost 95% of the trending political campaigns in Pakistan are boosted artificially to mislead the public, giving a false impression that there is genuine grass-roots support or opposition for a particular group or narrative.Artificial hashtag campaigns are now a norm at state level.An analysis of a trend #CivilWarinPakistan , falsely proclaiming Civil War in Pakistan reveals that 61% of the tweets contributing to the hashtag were coming from India. Contributing the highest number of tweets to the trend is New Delhi, generating 10% of the total volume of tweets.On August 10 2021 #SanctionPakistan was one of Twitter’s top trending hashtags, with over 3 lakh tweets. Top  Afghan political leadership participated in the trend which got support from India.During last one year more than 300 trends against military and its leadership have been made by troll farms supported by PTI social media wing, India and else where.

#CivilWarinPakistan#SanctionPakistan#TwitterPolitical elitePTI social media wing
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