Track II Diplomacy

Islamabad. News reporter. A round on viability of track two diplomacy was held at Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad based think tanks.
Participants discussed how to end logjam between India and Pakistan. For Pakistan, A370 & 35A, and for India, no talks until no terrorism are non-negotiable matters. But is there a way around?
Dr FarhanHSiddiqi, QAU Professor emphasised that Aug 2019 Indian action had: internationalised the Kashmir issue > domesticated. It had shifted the focus from militancy Modi’s hindutva ideology. He suggested future Kashmir strategies should be far from jihadism as a way around the logjam.
Dr. ArshiHashmi, Professor at NDU believed that ignoring neighbour was unrealistic. Most worrying was hyper-nationalism in India, hate-based politics and non-traditional security threats. She suggested resumption of trade ties and multitrack diplomacy as a way around.
Dr Saeed Rid underscored track 2 as a way around. He said track 2 was part-of & guided track 1. Without successful track 2 diplomacy, track 1 is bound to fail.
Strength of track 2: solves conflict and continues during crisis.Weakness of track 2: relies on govt & int donors.

Track II Diplomacy
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