Turkey finds a new survivor almost 12 days after an earthquake that killed thousands.

Turkish rescuers pulled a 45-year-old man out of the rubble in ANTAKYA on Friday, almost 12 days after a devastating earthquake killed tens of thousands of people.

Teams have been finding survivors all week, even though they have been stuck under the rubble for so long in freezing weather. However, the number of survivors has dropped to just a few in the last few days.

The man, Hakan Yasinoglu, was found 278 hours after the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Hatay, a province in the south near the border with Syria.

Images shared on social media showed people carefully carrying a man on a stretcher through the rubble of a building that had been destroyed.

He was tied to the stretcher so he wouldn’t fall, and a golden thermal jacket was put over him.

He was taken away right away in an ambulance that was already there.

His face couldn’t be seen, and unlike other late rescues where teams cheered or applauded, the mood on the ground was sad.

Three more people, including a 14-year-old boy, were found late Thursday and early Friday. The search is still going on at some sites around the clock.

On Friday, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said that rescue efforts were still going on in less than 200 places in the area.

More than 41,000 people have died in Turkey and Syria because of the earthquake, and tens of thousands more have been hurt. Millions of people have been left without shelter in freezing weather.

The earthquake was felt in 11 provinces of Turkey. Officials in Turkey say that rescue work in the provinces of Adana, Kilis, and Sanliurfa is done.

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