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Establishment Division writes Sindh to relieve transferred officials

Federal establishment division has wrote letter to Sindh Government to relieve the transferred officials.

The government of Sindh and the federal government have been engaged in a row over transfer of Police and PAS officers from Sindh.

“The officials’ transfers have been made according to the rules under the rotation policy,” establishment division said in its letter. “The letters wrote prior to transfers have been displayed at the website of the establishment division,” the letter read.

“The Government of Sindh failed to respond to any of these letters,” according to the letter.

“The Sindh High Court has also ruled that the establishment division could appoint the officers. The establishment division is lawfully authorized to appoint and post officials,” the letter further read.

The Sindh Government has objected over transfer of the officers from the province by the federal government and has restrained them relinquishing their charge of office.

The province has also restrained the officers coming from Punjab and other provinces to take charges of their offices, sources said.

Those sent from the federal government were also not allowed to take charge in the province, according to sources.

Several DIGs have relinquished their charges in Sindh on the federal orders and eight seats of DIGs have been vacant in the province.

Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah warned the establishment division to stay away from the political arena.

The Sindh cabinet has  in a decision restrained the officers to give up their charge, the chief minister said.