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Pakistan has reported more than 50 cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours.

Since a couple of weeks ago, the number of coronavirus cases in Pakistan has been going up. The National Institute of Health (NIH) reported on Monday that the country had 55 new attacks in the last 24 hours.

According to the most recent numbers, 386 tests were done in Lahore, and seven cases were confirmed, for a ratio of 1.81%. In Gujranwala, 273 tests were done, and one case was confirmed. Karachi had the highest rate of proven cases, with 23 out of 134 tests, or 17.16%. This was the highest rate in the whole country.

The country as a whole has a case-positive rate of 1.85, and 14 people were in serious condition. In the last 24 hours, no one has died from the virus.

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination Abdul Qadir Patel said that the government has increased the role of Border and Health Services in Pakistan to deal with any sub-variant of the deadly virus.

The minister said that there was a system of monitoring at all airports and other places where people came into the country. All airports will do quick tests and screenings of people, he said.

He also said that 90% of the people in the country had already been vaccinated against COVID-19.

“A good management team and an effective system are in place in the country to keep an eye out and be ready to make an emergency plan for any sub-variant of Covid-19,” the minister said.

He said that Pakistan’s Border and Health Services were making sure that international health rules were followed.

The minister also said that the country’s health system was ready to handle any sub-variant of the Omicron version of Covid-19, including BF.7, if something bad happened.