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Roads in Islamabad will be named after famous people

ISLAMABAD: The News said that the local government will name dozens of roads in the federal city after well-known people who have done a lot for Pakistan in their own fields.

The local government of the capital city has sent letters to all federating units, as well as Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, asking for the names of famous people who have done great things for the country in different areas.

The administration’s first goal with this plan was to get names, which they are getting from the provinces. It will now start picking people with the help of the right people.

The administration will probably come up with a list of names that will be accepted by the federal government in the end.

People from all walks of life are likely to like the idea, since many think that people who have done great work in their fields should be honored at the top level.

Only a small number of roads and streets in Islamabad are named after famous people. But now, the local government wants to name at least 40 to 50 streets and roads after people who did good things before and after the subcontinent was split up.

“Because Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan, it has a special place in the world, and naming a street or road after someone is a big deal. A government source said, “There are a lot of people who have done great things for this country, but they haven’t been fully recognized yet.”

He also said that a list of names would be made and given to the committee for final approval. “The names of people from all over the country will be on the list. The process is already under way and will be finished in the next few weeks.