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After returning from vacation, a woman discovers a family of scorpions in her suitcase.

After coming home from a holiday in Croatia, a woman was horrified to discover 18 scorpions in her suitcase.

When the woman returned from her holiday to Natternbach, Austria, she unpacked her suitcase and found a family of scorpions living within, including a mother and her young, according to NDTV.

According to Tierhilfe Gusental, an animal rescue organisation, “this afternoon we were approached by a lady from Natternbach because blind travellers had settled in their luggage on their Croatia trip.”

The animal was reportedly secured and given to the rescue organisation, who added that “they are currently in the Linz animal shelter till they start their return journey.”

The scorpion family has been removed by animal control, and the insects will be sent back to Croatia, where they originated.

The family may grow, according to an employee of animal control, but they don’t belong here.

This is the third occasion that scorpions have come from Croatia and entered Austria. A woman discovered the bug last month after returning from a trip to Croatia.