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Judging a General, Bajwa

Solid mass like Salt and sugar are weighed in Kilograms. Liquid mass like water, milk and petrol are totalled in Liters, distance is measured in Miles/ Kilometers. In football, it is goal score, in Cricket, it is runs which decide the match.
A politicians is judged for their political acumen for bringing political stability to their country and economic well beings of masses.
A military General is measured for his success in making his country secure from internal and external enemies.

In 2017, Pakistan’s western border was fully vulnerable, situation in Afghanistan was volatile, terrorism was rampant in Pakistan and Indians were hell bent to ignite line of control and killing innocent civilians at LoC. Balochistan was on fire and Afghanistan was a proxy of India.
Today, after 6 years, our western border is totally sealed/ fenced, LoC is quiet and Indian taught a lesson very well, Indian aircraft crossed line of control and then it could not go back. US forces have withdrawn back to US, Afghanistan is being ruled by Afghans, Terrorism in Pakstan has reduced 90%, peace in Balochistan is returning. Karachi is peaceful. It all happened during tenure of Gen Bajwa as Army Chief.
Pakistan is almost out of FATF and entire world appreciates our efforts for eliminating global terrorism.