Marilyn Monroe’s mental health and addiction are discussed by health specialists.
Marilyn Monroe’s untimely death at such a young age ignited a debate in the entertainment business concerning addiction.
According to reports, the late actress had a “traumatic upbringing” due to her schizophrenic mother, and after entering the industry, the beauty became hooked to drugs and alcohol, which wrecked her.
“There were definitely major attachment issues for her,” a Texas psychologist working at Height Treatment said of Monroe’s addiction. It made sense that she was medicating and attempting to calm her nervous system because it was most likely unregulated.”
Although the late actress sought professional therapy at the time, the treatment was not the same as it is now.”Prescription drugs were prevalent in the past,” said mental health experts.Previously, therapists typically gave drugs that resulted in the “tsunami of addiction for the present.”
“It’s worth noting that most of the old superstars died of drug addiction, and they generally had a psychiatrist or a doctor right there, just dispensing them medication and nobody really around them to aid these celebrities with mental health concerns,” a psychologist noted.
Aside from Monroe, another star who died from a drug overdose was Elvis Presley.Celebs were viewed as “performers and people wanted them to perform, which is why these celebrities opted for hefty medicines so they could just get going,” according to health specialists.
Unfortunately, many forget that superstars are not “superhuman.””They struggle like normal humans,” specialists say.
Surprisingly, six decades after Monroe’s death, discussions on mental health and addiction had gained traction in Hollywood.
“Having a therapist is kind of hip these days.” You can’t do treatment if you’re heavily drugged. You must be able to process your trauma as well as what is going on. “A therapist would notice that,” medical professionals stated.