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No Confidence Motion, Uncertainty on Both Sides; Analysts

News Desk

Islamabad, March 7; Government and opposition both are not certain about their political moves. This uncertainty is reflective of a weak political system. Prime Minister Imran Khan and his ministers are challenging the opposition to come forward and move ‘no confidence motion’ in assembly against him. Opposition is asking Prime Minister to resign before they move no confidence motion in the assembly. Bilawal is leading the long march towards Islamabad and PTI dissident group has formed lines in Punjab Assembly against Buzdar. This uncertainty has been prevailing quiet some time now. The routine business of government is affected.

Bilawal Bhutto, Chairman of PPP on Saunday said that he could not guarantee 100 percent success of no confidence motion. On Monday, PTI senator Faisal Javed on Monday said that in next 72 hours situation will be normal. He was probably hinting towards back door settlement.

Since Meeting of PM with Chaudhry Shujaat and Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, he is more confident to sustain the no confidence motion. MQM is also waiting for their cards to play. But history shows that MQM will bargain with sitting government and get their share in Karachi.

Maulana Fazal ur Rehman, head of JUI is shuttling between all parties and trying to portray that he is architect of this politically hot environment.