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Somy Ali, Salman Khan’s ex accuses him for ‘verbal, physical and sexual abuse’

The Bollywood actors Somy Ali and Salman Khan were rumoured to have dated in the 1990s. They dated for a while but eventually split up. Somy has revealed some disturbing facts regarding the actor who played the lead in Bajrangi Bhaijaan.

For the first time, she has the courage to come up about the abuse she suffered during their relationship. She said Salman physically, verbally, and sexually abused her.

The trauma she had experienced, she said, had kept her silent for twenty years. She stated that her show, Flight or Fight, was prohibited in India due to Salman’s involvement. She began by detailing the many instances of sexual abuse she had endured, and she continued by discussing the lengthy process of healing that is required for survivors to speak publicly about their experiences.

She demanded an apology from Salman Khan on camera, saying, “I want Salman Khan to confess what he put me through, from the verbal, sexual, and physical abuse, and I want a public apology, which an egomaniac and a narcissistic individual will probably never do.” As for me, I’d like for him to lift the ban on my show so that people in India may see the results of the 15 years of hard work and sweat I put into creating No More Tears, which has helped save the lives of over 40,000 men and women.

She said, “I want Mr. Khan to look himself in the mirror and ask, How can you say that you have never hit me or abused me? How can you sleep at night knowing that you banned my programme even though I did these things and publicly denied them? Your behaviour is despicable. Wishing you the strength to apologise and admit your wrongdoing in front of others.