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‘The Flash’ star Ezra Miller return has DC heads blessings?

Ezra Miller, who plays The Flash in the upcoming DC movie, has gotten good feedback from new DC leaders after they got help for their mental health.

The new boss of DC Comics told Deadline, “I will say here that Flash is probably one of the best superhero movies ever made.”

He also said that the movie’s plot “starts over” the whole series.

The co-head of the franchise, Peter Safran, was asked about the possibility of a Fantastic Beasts star appearing in a DCEU movie in the future “Ezra is fully committed to helping them get better. We are completely behind them on the path they are on right now.

We will all figure out what the best next step is when the time is right and they are ready to talk about it.”

“But right now,” he went on, “they are only thinking about getting better. And based on what we’ve heard from them in the last few months, they seem to be making a lot of progress.”

The movie was almost done before its main star, Ezra Miller, made headlines for bad behaviour like ranting on social media, getting arrested, and going to court.

Miller said they would get help for their mental health problems and apologised for their strange behaviour in August.

The Flash, on the other hand, will hit theatres on June 16.