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Zaheer Ahmed’s mother expresses regret to the parents of Dua Zahra.

Dua Zahra’s parents received an apology from Zaheer Ahmed’s mother, who said she understood how upset they were when their daughter left the house.

Noor Bibi, Zaheer’s mother, claimed during a press conference that both of her sons are in danger and that they should be transported to Lahore as soon as possible.

Noor Bibi then asked the authorities to bring Zaheer before the local court and have that court render the judgement.”My sons should be brought back here, and this is also where the decision should be made. After the Sindh High Court rendered its decision, why was the matter reopened?

she questioned. “I am aware of the anxiety Dua’s parents experienced when their daughter left. They resemble my sister and brother, therefore I kindly ask their pardon,” she continued. He continued by saying that Zaheer wanted to wed Dua.

I interrupted him and advised him to concentrate on his studies instead. She said, “They both are to blame for this marriage, and when Dua returned from Karachi, Zaheer wanted to send her back but she refused.

“The kids are in love with one another, and I believe we shouldn’t interfere with that. I’ll beg Dua’s parents to pardon her too “Added her.Dua was transported back to Karachi earlier this week, and on Wednesday, police presented her before a magistrate in the municipal court.

As indicated during the hearing, Dua should not be presented until further directions from the court are made in order to guarantee that the environment is appropriate.The public prosecutor had been instructed by the judicial magistrate to introduce the youngster only upon court order.