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New policy will help whole govt machinery move in one direction: PM

Topics like review of 18th Constitutional Amendment included in NSP

ISLAMABAD   –  Prime Minister Imran Khan launched the country’s first-ever citizen-centric National Security Policy 2022-2026 on Friday, saying that an inclusive development was inevitable for national security. “Inclusive growth means not only to uplift the poor people but also the neglected areas… (In such case) every common man becomes a stakeholder to protect the state… The biggest security is when people stand behind state for its protection,” the prime minister said addressing the launching ceremony of the public version of the otherwise secret document.

The prime minister, who earlier signed the historic document, appreciated the National Security Division for formulating a policy based on the consensus of the whole state and defining the national security in a “right manner”. First of its kind in Pakistan’s history, the National Security policy articulates a citizen-centric framework, placing economic security at its core and seeking a secure and economically resilient Pakistan.  The formulation process of the policy includes multiple consultations with official stakeholders including federal ministers, 120 experts, 300 students, and 600 people from all walks of life.

The prime minister said the NSP would also help correct the dimension and help the whole government machinery move in one direction for achieving national security and stability.

Speaker National Assembly, federal ministers, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, all services chiefs, diplomats, senior civil and military officers attended the launching ceremony.

The prime minister emphasised that our Armed Forces were our pride and glued the nation together. 

Given the threats the country faced in the region, and the growing threat of hybrid warfare, they would continue to receive even greater support and importance, he added

The prime minister explained the significance of his government’s successful initiative of producing the National Security Policy calling it a major priority of his government. He also highlighted the importance of the policy’s successful implementation and announced that the National Security Committee (NSC) would regularly review progress.

He said the NSP centered on the government’s vision which believed that the security of Pakistan rested in the security of its citizens.

Any national security approach must prioritise national cohesion and the prosperity of people, while guaranteeing fundamental rights and social justice without discrimination, he added.

The prime minister said to achieve the vast potential of the citizens, it was necessary to promote delivery-based good governance.

Prime Minister explained that the foremost aim of the foreign policy and military capability would remain peace and stability in the region and beyond. “Our foreign policy would also focus much more on economic diplomacy going forward,” he remarked.

The prime minister said the national security was also compromised when the country had to approach IMF to support its economy by accepting their conditions. In such a case, the common man had to face the burden, he added.

Reiterating his vision of replicating Madina State, the prime minister said by March every family in the PTI-led provinces would have health insurance of rupees one million a year which was even not available in developed countries.

He also highlighted the government’s initiatives like interest-free loans for business, ration subsidy scheme, and housing construction loans to the low-income group.

He said for the first time, the government introduced a core national curriculum as in the past, the country had three parallel education systems of seminaries, English and Urdu medium schools.

Calling rule of law a big challenge for the country, he said Madina State was the first to end discriminatory laws for the rich and poor. He said due to lack of rule of law, the country could not tap its immense tourism potential in Northern Areas which were far bigger and more beautiful than Switzerland.

National Security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf, in his remarks, briefly explained the National Security Policy vision and thanked the Prime Minister and all officials for their constant support.

Calling it an umbrella document linking all issues of national security, Moeed Yusuf said Pakistan was among a few countries that codified and publicised its security policy.  He said the National Security Policy had taken a broad view of national security as both traditional and non-traditional issues impacted the country’s security. While the National Security Policy is centered around economic security, the 

geo-strategic and geo-political imperatives also feature prominently to strengthen Pakistan security and standing in the world, he remarked. He highlighted that this was a document finalised after full civil-military consensus. He said the policy also sought to bring about good governance which was vital to protect the common man.

Moreover, through quality education, it would also bring cohesion in society. He said geo-economics was not different from geo-strategic as Pakistan’s location could be used a corridor making other countries benefit from Pakistan’s economy. He said the National Security Division would provide monthly report to National Security Committee on the implementation of the policy.

The NSP document is meant for a five-year period (2022-26) but it will be reviewed at the end of every year. The full 110-page NSP document will remain classified. However, a shorter nearly 50-page version is being published.

Critical analysis of the state of affairs in various sectors is contained in the main document, and the implementation framework and the indicators developed for monitoring and evaluating the progress made towards the policy’s execution are not being included in the public version, which, moreover, will not spell out the different elements of national interest.

The document contains chapters on national cohesion, economy, defence, internal security, foreign policy and human security.

In the foreign policy domain, NSP places equal emphasis on political as well as economic diplomacy, besides listing peace in the region as the top priority. It, moreover, reiterates the commitment to not becoming part of bloc politics.

Meanwhile, the defence part highlights the challenges posed by hybrid war and threats to cyber security in addition to issues pertaining to the conventional capabilities and strategic deterrence.

It recommends increasing the size of the resource pie, addressing the external imbalance, and judicious redistribution of wealth.

Thorny topics like accountability, curriculum review, governance challenges, including review of the 18th Constitution Amendment and future status of Gilgit-Baltistan, will be part of the classified portion.