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Not at all, banks accept donations for flood victims.

On Wednesday, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) made it clear that there are no restrictions on the amount of donations that can be made to the CM Relief Fund of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The general public’s donations to the KP and Punjab “CM Flood Relief Fund” have not been accepted, according to a few complaints that have been making the rounds on social media, the central bank said in a statement.

The SBP claimed that after conducting an investigation, the concerned banks informed them that the accusations were “baseless” because they were still taking donations for the designated funds.

Including over-the-counter (OTC) cash transactions, online transfers, and both foreign and domestic credit card transfers, the SBP stated that they are collecting donations through all available means.

The statement said that the relevant institutions have also confirmed that everyday transactions are occurring in these accounts.

The banks have also assured us that they are doing everything in their power to do their part in contributing to the noble cause of aiding flood victims, the statement continued.

While this is going on, donors who are having issues can contact SBP at or the appropriate banks.