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The Boyz’s agency is threatening to take legal action against any invasion of privacy

The company that runs the K-pop group The Boyz, IST Entertainment, put out a statement saying that people who violate the rights of the group’s members could be sued. People sharing false rumors about the group were also called out.

The company put up the following statement on their online fan cafe on April 4:

“Hello. This is entertainment from IST.

First of all, we’d like to thank all of THE BOYZ’s fans for their love and support.

Even after the privacy breach was made public in February of last year, people continued to sneak into the artists’ offices, hair salons, and dorms without permission. This caused serious mental and physical harm to the artists as well as their families, friends, and other people close to them.

We want to let you know that acts of privacy invasion, like making loud noises in front of the company building, blocking paths while filming, trying to get into the artists’ dorm and parking lot, and following dangerously in a car, are being recorded on black box and CCTV footage and are being sent to the local police station on a regular basis.

Even before the sun came up today, a case was given to a police officer on the scene for doing the things above. If this kind of invasion of privacy keeps happening even after this announcement, our agency will take strong legal action without mercy to stop more damage and protect the privacy of the artists. Please stop invading the privacy of the artists right away.”