The Glassworker, Pakistan’s first Ghibli-style movie, was made with the help of the director of “Delhi Crime.”
Apoorva Bakshi, who won an Emmy for making Netflix’s Delhi Crime, has joined the team of The Glassworker, which is Pakistan’s first animated feature picture that was drawn by hand.
The director of Delhi Crime will make the movie through her company, Awedacious Originals. She was amazed by how talented the people making the film were, so she said, “The Glassworker is a truly remarkable project led by the talented trio of Usman, Mariam, and Khizer, along with a team of young artists in Pakistan whose work is sparking a creative revolution in South Asia.”
The setting of The Glassworker is based on its home country, Pakistan. The buildings in the movie look like those in the megacity Karachi, and the characters wear clothes that look like Shalwar Kameez.
The Miyazaki-style movie is about a father and son who run a great glass workshop but get caught up in a war they don’t want to be a part of.
Usman Riaz is in charge of The Glassworker. He has been a fan of Studio Ghibli’s style of animation for a long time. Riaz raised $116,000 for the project through a crowdsourcing method called Kickstarter.
Riaz also helped start the first hand-drawn animation company in Pakistan, Mano Animation Studios in Karachi. He hired young animators, half of whom are women.
Bakshi is also working on more solo projects through Awedacious Originals. One of these is One Of A Kind by Iram Parveen Bilal, which is a Pakistani film. Last year, the live-action movie was chosen for Busan’s Asian Project Market.