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South Korea tries to stop North Korea from moving at sea by shooting warning shots.

After spotting a North Korean ship crossing the disputed boundary in the western sea for a short time, South Korea’s navy said it fired warning shots to scare them away and stop them from getting in the way.

USA Today said that the North Korean patrol boat crossed the North Limit Line around 11 a.m. on Saturday while following a Chinese fishing boat near the island of Baekryeong in South Korea.

South Korea’s joint chiefs of staff said on Sunday that warning shots were fired by a South Korean navy ship, but the ship turned around right away.

During the action, the South Korean fast boat hit the Chinese boat when it tried to stop the breach but couldn’t see well enough. Some South Korean sailors got bumps and small injuries because of this. But the two sides didn’t fire at each other while they were at sea.

The joint chiefs of staff were quoted by an American newspaper as saying, “The South Korean military is keeping a close eye on North Korean military activities and getting ready for a variety of possible provocations.”

This kind of activity has happened before in the waters of the disputed region. In the past, the South Korean navy has also fired warning shots at North Korean ships that crossed the fuzzy sea border. But over the years, there have been deaths during these fights.

In 2010, South Korea criticized the country led by Kim Jong Un for attacking their warship and killing 46 of their soldiers. The latter said that it was not behind the attack.

Meanwhile, what happened on Saturday happened in an area where there is a lot of tension because both countries have recently stepped up their armed actions against each other.

Last week, North Korea put on a military equipment show to show off its weapons. At the same time, the South Korean military and the US military worked together to counter North Korea’s danger.

Later this month, US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will meet South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and First Lady Kim Keon Hee in the US.

In a statement, the White House said that the visit “celebrates the 70th anniversary of the US-(Republic of Korea) alliance, which is vital to advancing peace, stability, and prosperity for our two countries, the Indo-Pacific, and the rest of the world.”