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The internet is startled after a man caught a massive fish.

An American angler astonished social media users when he caught a “giant” sized tiger muskie in Connecticut’s Lake Lillinonah. The image of the man with the caught fish was shared on the Connecticut Fish and Wildlife Facebook page, with the caption:

“How is your summer fishing going?! Joe kindly shared this photo of a large tiger muskie he recently captured. The tiger muskie is a hybrid of the northern pike and the muskellunge.” The fish was approximately 42 inches long.

The fisherman, Joe Rivas, said the fish was “mad,” but when he realised what he had caught, his adrenaline shot through the sky. The size of the tiger muskie terrified internet surfers. “I don’t want to swim anyplace,” one of them stated.

“What a beast! I wouldn’t be happy if that was swimming with me. “Looks prehistoric,” said another.

“I wasn’t familiar with the fish, so I looked it up.” That could set a new record. Nothing appeared to be half that size! “Awesome,” said another.