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US four-star general warns of war with China in 2025

WASHINGTON: A four-star US Air Force general wrote in a document that his gut told him the US would confront China in two years, contradicting Pentagon assessments.

General Mike Minihan, chief of the Air Mobility Command, wrote to its 110,000 leaders, “I pray I am wrong.” “My gut says 2025.”

The Friday-sent letter was dated February 1.

The general’s opinions do not represent the Pentagon but show high-level US military concern over China’s likely attempt to dominate Taiwan, which China claims as territory. Minihan claimed that 2024 presidential elections in the US and Taiwan could allow China to intervene militarily.

“These views are not typical of the department’s perspective on China,” a US defence official said.

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin indicated earlier this month that he doubted Beijing would invade Taiwan.

Recently, China has increased diplomatic, military, and economic pressure on the self-governed island to recognise Beijing’s control. Taiwan’s administration wants peace but will fight back.

Reuters analysed NBC News’ Minihan memo.

Air Force Brigadier General Patrick Ryder said military competition with China is a major challenge in response to a request for comment.

“We continue to engage with allies and partners to ensure a peaceful, free, and open Indo-Pacific,” he said.