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A 320-year-old newspaper will no longer be printed.

Vienna: On Thursday, the Austrian government voted to stop printing Wiener Zeitung, one of the oldest newspapers in the world, and move it online.

The decision came after the Austrian government and the newspaper argued for years about what would happen to the state-owned paper.

When it was first published in 1703, the paper was called Wienerisches Diarium. In 1780, the name was changed to Wiener Zeitung. The Daily was a private business until 1857, when Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria took it over and made it the official newspaper of the country.

Norbert Hofer, the third head of the parliament, said of a new law that will move publications online starting July 1: “It was passed by a majority.”

But the old paper will keep at least ten print editions a year, depending on how much money they have.

In 2004, the World Association of News Publishers told the press that the Wiener Zeitung was one of the oldest newspapers that was still being printed.

As the official gazette moves to a different state-owned online platform, it will no longer be the main source of income for the newspaper.

The Austrian government said that this was in line with a European order to centralise government information and put it online.

In the meantime, the Wiener Zeitung will set up a media hub, a content agency, and a place where writers can learn.

The newspaper has over 200 workers, and its trade union says that almost half of them, including 40 journalists, could lose their jobs because of the change.

The Wiener Zeitung is read by about 20,000 people during the week and about 40,000 people on the weekends.